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MiB G G - Material Breakdown

Here are a couple of the master materials I made for the environments in MiB Galactic Getaway.

The base of the materials is the usual diffuse, M(metal)R(rough)O(occlusion) mask and normal maps used in Unreal, but we also needed some extra masks and blending to help breakup tiling and give a little more varied detail.

Side note, this is a VR game so some of the details were exaggerated to make them more noticeable. The VR resolution (and night time lighting) made it pretty subtle.

With and without (below) the grunge/edge masks.

With and without (below) the grunge/edge masks.

The building mask had grunge, edge wear and ao.

The building mask had grunge, edge wear and ao.

Grunge and edge wear were masked by biplanar world pos noise to reduce visible tiling.

Grunge and edge wear were masked by biplanar world pos noise to reduce visible tiling.

A few modular building pieces for a couple of the buildings.

A few modular building pieces for a couple of the buildings.

With and without (below) the grunge and wet spots on the terrain.

With and without (below) the grunge and wet spots on the terrain.

Grunge lerpd into the base color and added a bit into the roughness while the wet spots multiplied into the color, subtracted from rough and flatten normals. Wet spots were also masked in from vert color for the edge of roads and specific spots.

Grunge lerpd into the base color and added a bit into the roughness while the wet spots multiplied into the color, subtracted from rough and flatten normals. Wet spots were also masked in from vert color for the edge of roads and specific spots.